Comedian Rogier Bak

Rogier Bak

Meet Rogier Bak: an Amsterdam-based comedian, writer, and actor with a unique perspective on the world. His life began in the United States, and although he now calls the Netherlands home, he always remains a bit of an outsider.

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TikTok sensation
In early 2021, Rogier posted a few videos on TikTok that quickly went viral. He continues to share his satirical comedy videos, often sparking discussions about the Netherlands and the United States. But hey, all that engagement is great for the algorithm!

A unique perspective and rapid development
Despite his Dutch roots, Rogier Bak has always maintained an outsider’s perspective due to his upbringing in the United States. He often feels like a foreigner in his own country, which fuels his creativity in various fields, from stand-up comedy to TikTok videos, podcasts, and writing. He embraces a fast-paced approach and has recently undergone significant personal and worldview changes, adopting a fearless attitude in his creative endeavors.

Social media presence
In early 2021, Rogier gained a substantial following on social media with engaging videos about the Dutch language, culture, American life, accents, and impressions. His humor resonates with many and sheds light on everyday quirks.

From the United States to the Netherlands and beyond
Rogier’s journey has taken him from Amsterdam to various locations in the United States, including Illinois, Southern California, Michigan, and New York City. In the U.S., he pursued dreams of becoming a basketball player before shifting his focus to design. Upon returning to the Netherlands, he began taking improv classes at Boom Chicago in Amsterdam, reigniting his passion for acting and stand-up comedy. His dedication to comedy led to the founding of Humorist Comedy, which organizes English-language comedy shows in Amsterdam, The Hague, and potentially more cities. Rogier also delved into audio-only comedy sketches with the series “The Skitstapes,” showcasing his versatile comedic talents.